First time at the DUB show and it was a blast.
We mainly hung out at the Exclusive Motoring "club" section. Between the security, and roped off section, people where wondering what the big deal was to get into the Exclusive space. Well for starters, Akon's own Spyker was on display, along with Dwayne Wade's impala, and Antoine Walkers Mercedes.
For those who do not know Exclusive Motoring, imagine a auto customization shop for all high-end vehicles for celebrities who either live or visit Miami frequently; or have you ever seen the show "Unique Whips?," well imagine that shop with bigger-named celebrities and a sense of style only found in the Magic City.
As it was great to see all the high-end and rare vehicles, Noics was still founded and has their heart with Scions; with that, there was only one registered at the show....."The Transformer." Which it was no surprise that it won "best Scion"
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